The Edith and Philip Leonian Foundation visited NYC Salt Student Exhibition 2024

February 12th, marked an extraordinary day as we warmly welcomed the esteemed Phillip and Edith Leonian Foundation to our studio for the See Salt Student Exhibition 2024. It was an absolute delight to share the boundless talent and creativity of our students with such a respected organization.

The event provided an invaluable opportunity for our students to present their artwork to a supportive audience, and it was truly heartwarming to witness the admiration and appreciation from the foundation members. Their presence not only validated the hard work and dedication poured into each piece but also served as a source of encouragement for our budding artists.

For us, it was more than just an exhibition; it was a chance to forge meaningful connections and foster a sense of community within the artistic sphere. To see our students' work resonate with the foundation was immensely rewarding and reaffirmed the significance of providing platforms for emerging artists to shine.

As we reflect on the success of the event, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the Phillip and Edith Leonian Foundation for their gracious support and to all who attended, making the day truly memorable. Your presence and encouragement mean the world to us and our talented students.

NYC Salt.